You can depend on us for comprehensive, reliable care. On your first visit to our office, you can anticipate a thorough case history, consultation, and a physical examination. You'll always get personal care and attention to your needs.
After examining you, our skilled doctor will determine if you can benefit from chiropractic care or if further tests are medically necessary. This may include x-rays. If you need x-rays, we use state-of-the-art, digital x-rays on our premises.
If you've brought x-rays or we perform them, our doctor will review them thoroughly. On the following day, we'll give you a detailed report of findings (ROF). At this point, you'll receive your treatment plan and we'll answer any questions for you at that time. If you do not receive x-rays or bring x-rays, you will have a ROF on your first day. You will begin treatment on the day of your ROF. Call us for additional information.
We'll help you with any care you need for most types of ailments including: